Fuel Your Game Day – Every Day Is Game Day

In this UNIT: How Food Fuels Your Body

In this unit, students learn about the essential nutrients for sustaining health and energy - including calcium and vitamin D, which are part of dairy's 13 essential nutrients - and reaching macro- and micro-nutrient goals. They’ll learn about the variety of recommended physical activity types (aerobic and anaerobic, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, and flexibility) and how certain foods ( like yogurt and kefir, as well as kimchi and others) relate to gut health (good bacteria vs. bad).

Experiment with Yogurt in  Lesson Four – The Science of Yogurt! In this lesson students learn about the fermentation process that goes in to making yogurt. The lesson includes step-by-step instructions for two engaging classroom demonstrations and stand-alone activities to incorporate hands-on learning opportunities for students. 

"I love that these lessons are linked to standards. They're thorough and can be adapted for all students. The lessons are very well planned out."
Samantha K.,PA
" I love how this lesson spells out everything I want the students to know and do in a straightforward, already designd and lined up lesson with accompaning handouts/visual. THANK YOU!!
Bonni F., MA - Healthy Food, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Learning Unit, Health Education
"We've recently created our own school garden. Our students are a major influence on the development and planning of it. This lesson will break it all down, giving them a bigger picture into farming practices. 
Kathryn, M., NY , Farmers Fuel the World Learning Unit
"I have been able to pull out pieces of the lesson plans or activities and differentiate/customize them for my students and classes. The amount of information, guidance, tools, and printouts has been a lifesaver." 
Ally V.
Ally V., Biology Teacher - Synergy Alternative High School